The long-awaited second installment of the anime series “Annette-san, the House Next Door” by Aoi Nagisa, a charismatic figure in the dark-skinned world, and Kazuhiro Ohara, a blockbuster creator in the adult anime world!
The main character is you in front of the screen!
An immersive and extremely erotic experience with Annette, a beautiful girl with fluffy silver hair and plump brown breasts!Year: 2023 Year.
Source: Manga
Genre: Big tits, Oral sex, Dark skin,
Duration: 2ep. 25min.
language: Subbed
Quality: WEB-1080PX
Release date: 2023/11/24
Original name: となりの家のアネットさん THE ANIMATION
English name: Tonari no Ie no Anette-san The Animation
Director: Ohara Kazuhiro
Studio: PinkPineapple
Tonari No Ie No Anette-San Episode 2
Date: December 16, 2023