Anime adaptation of the same name manga by Kurosugi Shinsaku. Rina and Shiori are two women who are not to be messed with. One night, when out late in the karaoke bar, the staff of the karaoke bar tries to take advantage of the two ladies. There is a disagreement about the bill, but the two ex-gang ladies fight back. As revenge they decide to fuck the karaoke staff and force them to have sex with each other. Year: 2013 Source: Original Genre: Big tits, Oral sex, Romance, GameRip Duration: 1ep. 16min. language: RAW Quality: WEB-720PX Release date: Jun 21, 2013 Original name: M男食い ラストオーダー English name: M-ogui: Last Order Director: Oota, Hideta Studio: ???
M-ogui Last Order Episode 1 English Sub Uncensored
Date: July 13, 2021